"What purpose can be served by the death of our friend|except to bring you pleasure?"|-Spock (The Vians) "The Empath" "We must acknowledge, once and for all, that the purpose|of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis."|-Spock "The Mark of Gideon" "Those who receive rewards are totally separated from|those who shoulder the burdens."|-Spock "The Cloud-Minders" "If it weren't for the Catulan ambassador's son, they'd|all be in the brig!"|-Kirk "The Way to Eden" "They regard themselves as aliens within their own world,|a condition I am somewhat familiar."|-Spock "The Way to Eden" "Tellerites do not argue for reasons. They simply argue."|-Sarek "Journey to Babel" "At the time it seemed the logical thing to do."|-Sarek "Journey to Babel" "Emotional...isn't she?"|-Spock "Journey to babel" "Constant exposure does lead to a certain degree|of contamination."|-Spock "Journey to Babel" "The first time you've ever asked me for anything and|it had to be an occasion like this."|-McCoy "The Gamesters of Triskelion" "I am chasing the Captain, Lt. Uhura, and Ensign Chekov,|not some wild aquatic fowl."|-Spock "The Gamsters of Triskelion" "I believe we're experiencing the psychokinetic|manifestations of Parmen's delerium."|-Spock "Plato's Stepchildren" "I found it an accelerating experience."|-Kirk "Wink of an Eye" "I am for you, James Kirk."|-Losira "That Which Survives" "The ship feels wrong."|-Scotty "He's dead, Jim."|-McCoy "What did somebody say...that Paradise must have|looked like this...?"|-Kirk "The Apple" "Lets get the hell out of here."|-Kirk "The City on the Edge of Forever" "I intend to recommend you all for promotion...in|whatever fleet we end up serving."|-Kirk "Star Trek III" "Bridge, this is the captain. How can you have a yellow|alert in spacedock?"|-Captain Styles (USS Excelsior) "Star Trek III" "Computer, I caution you...I have little love for Beta 5|snobbery ... OVERRIDE!"|-Gary Seven "Assignment: Earth" "Logic is a little chirping bird tweeting in a meadow."|-Spock "I, Mudd" "I am not programmed to respond in that area."|-Alice & Norman Series "I, Mudd" "Galloping around the galaxy is a game for the young."|-Kirk "Star Trek II" "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,|or the one."|-Spock "Star Trek II & III" "How perceptive of you to notice that I needed one."|-Commissioner Nancy Headford "Metamorphosis" "There is a word. Among us there is no corresponding|meaning. But it seems to mean something to you humans."|-Norman (Please) "I, Mudd" "If we weren't missing two officers...I'd say someone was|playing an elaborate trick or treat on us."|-Kirk "Catspaw" "Who else would be playing cat and mouse with a starship?"|-Scotty "A Private Little War" "Very bad poetry, Captain."|-Spock "Catspaw" "Are you real? I mean, I'm not imagining you, am I?"|-Zefram Cochrane "Metamorphosis" "Leonard, you look at me like you don't believe me."|-Nancy Crater "The Man Trap" "I'm a doctor! Not a bricklayer!"|-McCoy "Devil in the Dark" "With an arm full of this stuff, I wouldn't be afraid|of a supernova!"|-Sulu "Wolf in the Fold" "Whoever he is, he sure talks gloomy."|-Sulu "Wolf in the Fold" "Nonsequitur...your facts are uncoordinated."|-Nomad "The Changeling" "Listen Kiddo, Jim Kirk was many things|but he was never a boy scout|-Dr. Carol Marcus "Star Trek II" "I have deprived your ship of power, and when I swing|around, I mean to deprive you of your life."|-Khan "Star Trek II" "Facinating...a totally parochial attitude!"|-Spock "Metamorphosis" "He's as tight-lipped about it as an|Aldebaron Shellmouth."|-McCoy "Amok Time" "You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing|after all as wanting."|-Spock "Amok Time" "Verbose, isn't he?"|-Spock "Who Morns for Adonais" "They say there's no devil, Jim, But there it is,|right out of hell."|-Commodore Decker "The Doomsday Machine" "Captain, you mean my neck is going to have to depend|on some spooky mumbo jumbo?"|-Scotty "Wolf in the Fold" "I know you find each other facinating, but we're not|here to conduct a field experiment in human biology."|-Kirk "The Apple" "Well, a good nurse always treats her patients that|way. It proves she's interested."|-Nurse Chapel "A Private Little War" "Well, I've heard of reluctant brides|but this is ridiculous."|-McCoy "Elaan of Troyius" "You are outside. You are a disease. The disease|must be destroyed."|-The Melkotian "Spectre of the Gun" "Well I'm relieved to hear your prognosis, Mr. Scott.|Is the doctor there with you, or will I find him|in engineering?"|-Spock "The Lights of Zetar" "How long do you think you can keep taking that stuff?"|-McCoy "The Immunity Syndrome" "They toil not, neither do they spin. But they seem|to eat a great deal."|-Spock "The Trouble with Tribbles" "The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank."|-Scotty "A Taste of Armegeddon" "In some parts of the galaxy, I've seen forms of|entertainment which make this look like a folk dance."|-Kirk "Bread and Circuses" "And now, if you will excuse me, I have a ship to|attend to. Au Revoir."|-Kirk "The Trouble with Tribbles" "I think we ought to give room service another call.|That coffee's taking too long."|-Sulu "The Enemy Within" "Unless you people on the bridge start taking|showers with your clothes on, my engines|can pull us out of anything."|-Scotty "The Naked Time" "You don't rank me and you don't have pointed ears so|just get off my neck."|-Lt. Tormolen "The Naked Time" "Attention crew...there will be a formal dance in the|bowling alley at 1900 hours tonight."|-Lt. Kevin Riley "The Naked Time" "We're going in gentlemen, peacefully I hope,|but peacefully or not, we're going in."|-Kirk "A Taste of Armegeddon" "You're a healer, There's a patient. That's an order."|-Kirk "Devil in the Dark" "An entrance Captain, but no exit. They go in but they|do not come out."|-Spock "A Taste of Armegeddon" "In our centruy we've learned not to fear words."|-Uhura "The Savage Curtain" "Our friend Trefayne is really quite intuitive. You can|rest assured that what he says is absolutley correct."|-Spock "Errand of Mercy" "I don't trust men that smile too much."|-Kor, the Klingon "Errand of Mercy" "It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven."|-Khan "Space Seed" "Mind your own business , Mr. Spock. I'm tired|of your half-breed interference!"|-Kirks Android Double "What Are Little Girls Made Of" "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?"|-McCoy "I need your advice. Then I need a drink."|-McCoy "Obsession" "Did you see the love light is Spock's eyes?|The right computer finally acme along."|-McCoy "The Ultimate Computer" "Note the sinister eyes and the malformed ears...|definitely an inferior race."|-Deputy Fuehrer Melakon "Patterns of Force" "Fool me once, shame on you;|fool me twice, shame on me."|-Scotty "Friday's Child" "Spock's contaminating this boy, Jim."|-McCoy "Who Morns for Adonais" "I begin to like you earthman, and I saw fear|in the Klingon's eyes."|-A Capellian "Friday's Child" "In every revolution there is one man with a vision."|-Kirk "Mirror, Mirror" "Would you mind being careful where you throw your|rocks, Mr. Spock?"|-Kirk "The Apple" "The creation of perfection is no error."|-Nomad "The Changeling" "Your logic was impeccable, Captain.|We are in great danger."|-Spock "The Changeling" "Sir, the Romulans do not take prisoners."|-Chekov "The Deadly Years" "Spock, your're going to love it here.|They all talk just the way you do."|-Harry Mudd "I, Mudd" "Mind your place mister or you'll be wearing|concrete golashes."|-Scotty "A Piece of the Action" "President Lincoln indeed!...no doubt to be followed by|Louis of France and Robert the Bruce!"|-Scotty "The Savage Curtain" "You bring this network's rating down...and we'll do|a special on you!"|-Centurion "Bread and Circuses" "One more like that and I'm going|to lose both these men!|-McCoy "Journey to Babel" "From Hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake|I spit my last breath at thee."|-Khan "Star Trek II" "Would you like to see just how fast I can put you|in a hospital?"|-McCoy "This Side of Paradise" "Cold it was, like a stinking draft out of a|slaughterhouse."|-Scotty "Wolf in the Fold" "On the contrary, Sir...I think of this project as|very important. It is you I take lightly."|-Spock "The Trouble with Tribbles" "It was inwented by a little olds lady from Leningrad."|-Chekov "The Trouble with Tribbles" "Maybe we can't break it, but I'll bet you credits|to navy beans that we can put a dent in it!"|-Lt. DeSalle "Catspaw" "I don't like that. I don't believe I ever did.|Now I'm sure."|-Spock "All Our Yesterdays" "Well whaddya know...I finally got the last word!"|-McCoy "Journey to Babel" "Well, it's...ah...it's green."|-Scotty "By Any Other Name" "You think that's what I want...to become one of|them... become my own enemy?"|-Alexander "Plato's Stepchildren" "That spot - I spilled acid there a year ago.|Jim, what in blazes is this?"|-McCoy "Mirror, Mirror" "In my cabin there's a device that|will make you invincible."|-Kirk "Mirror, Mirror" "I have never questioned the orders or the intelligence|of any represenative of the Federation...until now."|-Kirk "The Trouble with Tribbles" "I am close to experiencing an unaccustomed emotion."|-Spock "Requiem for Methuselah" "Stay out of this! We're fighting over a woman!"|-Spock "Turnabout Intruder" "A lie is a very poor way to say hello."|-Edith Keeler "City on the Edge of Forever" I transported the whole kit-and-kaboodle into their|engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all."|-Scotty "The Trouble with Tribbles" "Everybody remember where we parked."|-Kirk "Star Trek IV" "Klingon justice is a unique point|of view, Mr. President."|-Sarek "Star Trek IV" "I don't know if you got the whole picture or not...|but he's not exactly working on all thrusters.|-McCoy "Star Trek IV" "Facinating...If my suspicions are correct, there|can be no response to this messsage."|-Spock "Star Trek IV" "Double dumb-ass on you!"|-Kirk "Star Trek IV" "It's a miracle these people ever got|out of the 21st century."|-McCoy "Star Trek IV" "They like you very much but they are|not the hell your whales."|-Spock "Star Trek IV" "I am from Iowa. I only work in outer space."|-Kirk "Star Trek IV" "Are you sure this isn't the time for a|colorful metaphor?"|-Spock "Star Trek IV" "You're not exactly catching us at our best."|-Kirk "Star Trek IV" "Why, how do we know he didn't invent the thing?|-Scotty "Star Trek IV" "Yes, but you would be rich beyond|the dreams of avarice."|-McCoy "Star Trek IV" "Sounds like the Spanish Inqusition."|-McCoy "Star Trek IV" "Mr. Scott cannot give me exact figures Admiral,|so I must make a guess."|-Spock "Star Trek IV" "You call this relaxing? I'm a nervous wreck.|If I'm not careful I'll end up talking to myself."|-McCoy "Star Trek V" "You really piss me off."|-McCoy "Star Trek V" "Alright! We're lost! But we're making good time."|-Sulu "Star Trek V" "I like him better before he died."|-McCoy "Star Trek V" "Revenge is a dish best served cold,|and it is very cold in space."|-Khan "Star Trek II" "What does God need with a Starship?"|-Kirk "Star Trek V" "I doubt any God that inflicts pain for|his own pleasure."|-McCoy "Star Trek V" "Imagine that, a passionate Vulcan."|-McCoy "Star Trek V" "Make it so, Number One."|-Picard (oops, wrong generation!) "Guess who's comming to dinner?"|-Chekov "Star Trek VI" "I'm going to go sleep this off. Please let me know|if there is any other way we can screw up tonight."|-Kirk "Star Trek VI" "Hardly conclusive Mr. Scott, since Klingons|have no tear ducts."|-Spock "Star Trek VI" "I've never trusted Klingons. I never will. I've never|forgiven them for the death of my son."|-Kirk "Star Trek VI" "An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate|the impossible whatever remains, however|improbable, must be the truth."|-Spock "Star Trek VI" "Maybe you remember the Russian fable Cinderella.|If the shoe fits, wear it."|-Chekov "Star Trek VI" "What you want is irrelevant. What you have|is what is at hand."|-Spock "Star Trek VI"